Myles Denver | Lancaster PA | Fresh 48

After a few extra weeks of waiting, a few days of "when's he getting here!" and a couple hours of labor my family welcomed Myles Denver Archuleta to our family. I personally think he just wanted to wait till Cinco de Mayo to be born and I don't blame him! Myles Denver Archuleta arrived on May 5th, 2016 at 4:41pm. He weighed 8lbs. 7oz. and was 21 1/4" long. My parents, my niece and nephew and I rushed over to LGH Women & Babies to greet my new nephew.

Since Myles is now the third sibling we had a packed house with my niece and nephew. This time around there were Swedish fish and crackers (things I think all births should have) and a little family wrestling. London was a fantastic big brother as usual. He was super excited to meet his new brother and really glad he was not a dinosaur like I had told him he might be. Emerson took a little time to come around to this idea of "Meows" (Myles). At first she was much more interested in her baby doll and snacks, but by the end of our visit she was ready to hold and kiss her new baby brother. Although, my sister did ask her if they should take him home with them and she replied, "No." I think she'll come around ;)