Rising Locust Farm | Permaculture Farm Portraits | Lancaster, PA

I headed back to Rising Locust Farm this week to photograph their furry, feathered and tree friends. And by headed back I mean stopped in for my weekly dinner...Last time I was there we focused on the amazing people behind this amazing inter-generational permaculture farm. You can view those cuties here!

Below you'll see Brownie the dog, the patriarch of the family farm. Or so he thinks. You'll meet Eli the not so little pup and the head of fun at the farm. He loves wrestling, peeing on his soccer ball and harassing the ducks. You'll meet Big Mama Cat (like Big Mama Cass of the Mamas and the Papas) and her kitten, Swiper, who were dumped on the farm (and are now both spayed). And of course the all the farm animals including, ducks, pigs, sheep, cows, and chickens!

You can pick up pastured eggs, pastured pork, shiitake mushrooms, grass-fed lamb or grass-fed beef directly from their farm in Manheim or any of their pick-up locations in Lancaster City, Elizabethtown or York. I’ve been fortunate enough to get to sample all that they have to offer (hello weekly dinners with my farm family. woot woot!) and it’s reeeeal good! So excited for what the future holds for this farm.

Rising Locust Farm host monthly open farm days with a potluck dinner to share in community, what's happening on the farm, and ways to bring about collaborations in the future. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on the potlucks! Be sure to follow them on Facebook so you can stay up to date on all the happenings. The next open farm day is this weekend, May 26th! You can find the info for that here.

Rising Locust Mission Statement:
"We are a collective of people living in community who seek to trust and follow in the wisdom of Natural systems as the foundations of our actions. We move with intention in our relationships with All Beings, recognizing their interdependency and inherent worth. So that Earth, people, and communities can thrive, we work towards shifting unjust social structures, healing each other, and regenerating land while producing nourishing food."